3831 Midway Place NE - Albuquerque, NM - 87109 - 505.796.0149

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TMES Student Pick-up Procedure:


Drive-thru Pick Up Procedure:               [K Only Classes     3:00 pm -  3:30 pm ]
                                                                        [ All Other Classes     3:30 pm -  4:00 pm]

  • From Singer Blvd. turn North onto Midway Park Blvd.
  • Continue North and turn right onto Midway Place.  (During peak drop-off times you may need to line up, alongside the curb, on the East side of the street waiting to turn onto Midway Place.)
  • Line up on the South side of Midway Place until the safety patrol directs you to turn left into the school’s West driveway.  (Right turns from Midway Place into the school are NOT allowed as they impede the eastbound traffic flow.)
  • Stop at the entrance gate until directed by the safety patrol to proceed (be sure your student(s)’ name placard is displayed in your front window.)  Once directed to proceed go slowly (5 mph) in the pass-thru lane with the white arrows until the safety patrol directs you to a spot in the pick-up area.
  • Once stopped a staff member will escort your student(s) to the right side of your vehicle opening the door(s) for them if necessary.  If you need to secure you student(s) in their seat(s) please be sure to have your vehicle in park or off for safety’s sake.
  • Once ready to leave move your vehicle back into the pass-thru lane and continue down the East driveway to the front of the building.
  • Turn left onto Midway Place and then right onto Office Blvd.


Walk-up Pick Up Procedure:                   [K Only Classes     3:00 pm -  3:30 pm ]
                                                                        [ All Other Classes     3:30 pm -  4:00 pm]

The Drive-thru pick up procedure is the quickest and safest way to get your student(s) after classes are dismissed.  If you prefer to pick up your student(s) at the front desk you should expect a longer wait as it will take extra time to bring them from the Drive-thru staging area.

  • From Singer Blvd. turn North onto Office Blvd.
  • Continue North and turn left onto Midway Place.
  • Park your vehicle on the North side of Midway Place (DO NOT park in any of our neighbors’ lots or block any driveways.)
  • Walk to the school’s entrance and tell the front desk which student(s) you are picking up.  Student(s) will be retrieved and delivered to you at the front desk.


AFTER SCHOOL CARE:                          [All Classes  4:00 pm -  6:00 pm]

    • Park along the street (Parking on school grounds is limited to staff.  Also DO NOT park in any of our neighbors’ lots or block any driveways).
    • Come into the front entrance of the school and give the front desk the name(s) of the student(s) you are picking up.
    • Student(s) will be retrieved and delivered to the front desk for pick up.

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©2008 The Montessori Elementary School